I'm a Pastor, Musician, Coffee Lover, Tech Magician, and Traveler…

“The neighbor, as has been said, is not the one whom I find in my path, but rather the one in whose path I place myself, the one whom I approach and actively seek.”
~Gustavo Gutiérrez,
A Theology of Liberation
My ministry and leadership philosophy is reflective of my view of a pastor being a companion who comes alongside others' faith journey. It's an honor and a privilege to celebrate and grieve with those I journey with and identify and hone their various gifts and skills. While one of the many sojourners on the winding road of life, I find creativity in playing music and enjoying the beauty of God's created world.
Sermons & Blog
Check out my recent and past sermons or take them with you in audio form by searching for the Coffee For The Soul on Apple iTunes or Spotify. You'll also find some recent musings on my blog that I admittedly don't update as frequently as I should.